In the Santa Clarita Valley, the California Highway Patrol is a law enforcement agency that has patrol jurisdiction over all California highways and can act as the state police. The California Highway Patrol was created in 1929 to provide uniform traffic law enforcement throughout the state. Assuring the safe, convenient and efficient transportation of people and goods on the highway system is still their primary concern.
The mission of the California Highway Patrol is to provide the highest level of safety, service, and security. The CHP, as they are known widely throughout the state due to the initials of the agency, make the state of California a great place to live, work, and travel by reducing fatalities, injuries, and crimes. Their first-class customer service can be felt by the community and as well other local law enforcement agencies. They work to achieve a wonderful working relationship with all communities in order to secure the protection of the residents.
The badge of a California Highway Patrol officer has seven points to it. They all stand for something that is important to the agency, and to the state as well. The first point to be made is character. This is the qualities of moral strength, vigor and stability. Next is integrity. The moral defense against corrupting influence. Third is the judgement point. The ability to apply knowledge to the best advantage of all concerned.
Loyalty is faithfulness to the precepts of the Highway Patrol and its fellow officers. Courtesy is another point on the badge that means respect for law and order and for the individual. Honor is the highest esteem for the principles upon which the California Highway Patrol has been built upon. And knowledge is the acquaintance of facts and laws, combined with awareness and understanding that sustain an officer through their daily duties.
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The California Highway Patrol of the Santa Clarita Valley is dedicated to their community and those who reside in the community. The duty of the law enforcement is to serve and protect the citizens. That is exactly what they are doing when they are out there patrolling the highways of the state.
To learn more about California Highway Patrol, click here.
We hope you can join us at the 2019 KHTS Home and Garden Show at Central Park on April 27th and 28th, 2019 at one of the largest California Home and Garden Shows right here in Santa Clarita!
California Highway Patrol