California Highway Patrol

California Highway Patrol

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is a law enforcement agency of the U.S. state of California. With the CHP having patrol jurisdiction all over the California highways it also acts as the state police.

According to FBI data, the California Highway Patrol is the largest state police agency in the United States. Other than protecting state buildings and facilities (most notably the California State Capitol) and body guarding state officials, the CHP also works with municipal law enforcement agencies with providing assistance in investigations, patrol, and other aspects of law enforcement.California Highway Patrol

Keeping Santa Clarita Safe

By keeping its Santa Clarita and other residents safe, CHP has officers assigned to drug task forces and other criminal investigative task forces throughout the state. With this type of focus, CHP maintains highly trained Warrant Service Teams (WST) throughout each of its Divisions.

When it comes to securing their residents, like the Santa Clarita Valley, the CHP doesn’t just focus on the present issues at hand, no, they take extreme focus on the “what is to come” as well. The CHP has many programs that focus on preparing teens for the future.

Every 15 Minutes Program

The “Every 15 Minutes” program is a two-day program that focuses on high school juniors and seniors. The program challenges the students to think about drinking, driving, personal safety, the responsibility of making mature decisions and the impact their decisions have on family, friends, and many others. With the “Every 15 Minutes” program being incredibly emotional, the teenagers are constantly reminded about the consequences of their actions if they choose alcohol and drugs over sobriety, not just behind the wheel, but in every day life.

The CHP makes the lives of teens and their actions top priority because the CHP recognizes the fact that teens are our very future. What would the Santa Clarita Valley, or any other resident, be if our teens were not instructed properly about the value of life, consequences, and most importantly safety? CHP knows all too very well what that future would be and prefers to never see it brought to life.

The California Highway Patrol puts its people first and constantly strives for a better life and future for their community.

For more information about the California Highway Patrol, click here.

California Highway Patrol

CHP / Safety / Highway Patrol / Every 15 Minutes Program / Police

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