So Much To Discover At The KHTS Emergency Expo


Exploring the KHTS Emergency Expo can be an informative and valuable experience, providing insights into emergency preparedness, safety, and community resilience. Here are some things you might discover at our expo:

Emergency Preparedness Kits:

Learn about the essential items to include in emergency preparedness kits for home, car, or office.

Discover pre-assembled kits and where to purchase them.

Demonstrations and Workshops:

Participate in hands-on demonstrations showcasing basic first aid techniques, CPR, and other life-saving skills.

Attend workshops on disaster preparedness, evacuation procedures, and emergency response strategies.

Emergency Services Vehicles:

Explore different emergency services vehicles such as fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars.

Gain insights into the capabilities of these vehicles and the equipment they carry.

Communication Technologies:

Learn about communication tools used during emergencies, such as two-way radios, satellite phones, and emergency alert systems.

Explore the latest advancements in emergency communication technology.

Search and Rescue Demonstrations:

Witness live demonstrations of search and rescue techniques by trained professionals.

See the Los Angeles County Fire Department perform the life saving “Jaws of Life” drill as they rip apart a vehicle to illustrate how they can extract a victim for a wrecked automobile.

Understand the role of search and rescue teams in different emergency scenarios.

Community Resources:

Discover local community resources that offer support during emergencies, including shelters, food banks, and medical services.

Understand how community organizations collaborate in times of crisis.

Emergency Management Agencies:

Interact with representatives from emergency management agencies at the local, state, and national levels.

Learn about their roles, responsibilities, and how they coordinate responses to disasters.

Technology and Innovations:

Explore cutting-edge technologies and innovations designed to enhance emergency response and recovery efforts.

See how drones, sensors, and other technologies are used in disaster management.

Pet Preparedness:

Discover tips for preparing and evacuating with pets during emergencies.

Learn about pet-friendly shelters and resources for pet owners.

Educational Materials:

Collect informational brochures, pamphlets, and guides on emergency preparedness for future reference.

Access resources on topics like creating a family emergency plan and staying informed during disasters.

Interactive Simulations:

Engage in interactive simulations that replicate emergency scenarios, allowing participants to experience decision-making under pressure.

Meet and Network with Professionals:

Connect with emergency responders, healthcare professionals, and other experts to ask questions and gather insights.

Network with fellow attendees to share experiences and learn from one another.

Attending the KHTS Emergency Expo can be an empowering experience, providing individuals and communities with the knowledge and resources needed to be better prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

The 2024 KHTS Emergency Expo is happening on Saturday, April 27, 2024, at Central Park in Santa Clarita from 10am – 5pm.

Admission and Parking are free.

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