Dr. Polucki

Dr. Polucki

Dr. Polucki,DC, servicing the Santa Clarita Valley, has over 25 years of experience and has cured countless patients of back pain, sciatica, neck pain, aching knees, headaches and sports injuries. Being in constant pain is no way to live life. The life you want to live has to be relieved of pain. This essentially will affect every aspect of your life if you are struggling with pain control.

Friendly Chiropractor in Santa Clarita

Back pain is one of the main sources for uncomfortable living. It is gut wrenching to see loved ones and friends to have the pain everyday with them. Difficult to get out of bed, stand up from a chair, or just being hunched over when you see them standing. Before back pain gets any worse many look for relief with over the counter remedies. Dr. Polucki knows about the increased risk of digestive bleeding complications, liver damage, kidney damage, heart attack and stroke from these readily available pain remedies.

New research shows that these medications might actually destroy connective tissue and may cause arthritis in these areas that the remedies should focus on. Furthermore, over the counter pain medication has recently made the top five medical mistakes to avoid in the Cochrane Collaboration. The Cochrane Collaboration publishes researched complied from 37,000 researchers in more than 130 countries. This collaboration operates independent of drug companies, governments or special interest groups.

Click here to see an alphabetical list of 2019 Home and Garden Show Exhibitors

When over the counter medication does not provide enough back pain relief, most people ask their doctor for the next step. And more often than not, they will get narcotics, steroids, antidepressants and a surgical consultation. Back surgery has one of the lowest success rates of all medical procedures. More can go wrong than can go right when it comes to surgery on the back of a person.

To make an appointment, feel free to stop by Dr. Polucki’s office in Santa Clarita or give them a call to setup a specific time and date for an appointment.

To learn more about Dr. Polucki click here.

25050 Peachland Avenue Suite 105
Santa Clarita, CA 91321
(661) 753-9340

We hope you can join us at the 2019 KHTS Home and Garden Show at Central Park on April 27th and 28th, 2019 at one of the largest California Home and Garden Shows right here in Santa Clarita!

Dr. Polucki


2019 Home and Garden / 2019 Home and Garden Show / 2019 KHTS Home and Garden Show / 2019 Santa Clarita Home and Garden / California Home and Garden / California Home and Garden Shows / Santa Clarita Events / Santa Clarita Home and Garden Show / Dr. Polucki / Dr. Thomas Polucki / Chiropractor / Health & Beauty / Health and Beauty / Health / Beauty

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