Bringing together Asian and Mexican influences together with Middle Eastern cuisine, The Middle Feast food truck creates interesting and delicious entrees that are unlike what you will find almost anywhere else, building off the momentum of their Food Network’s The Great Food Truck Race win in season 5, Middle Feast has been continuing to provide the Santa Clarita Valley and much more of Southern California with their delicious and unique creations. Making stops all throughout the Los Angeles area you can find them cooking up their unique blend of flavors and ethnic cuisines.
Santa Clarita Fusion Food Trucks
In an area where food trucks are seemingly on every corner finding one that stands out is not always easy, and one food truck that really stands out with its own unique fusion of Middle Eastern cuisine with Asian and Mexican influences The Middle Feast helps treat Santa Clarita Valley residents to some of the best food truck cuisine around with dishes like spicy moroccan fish tacos and their “Shuka-Burger”. Offering their services for weddings and other private events as well as making their regularly scheduled stops in the Los Angeles area The Middle Feast helps to make their delicious menu available to as many people as possible. Bringing out flavors from all across the globe The Middle Feast is able to help introduce their unique blend of dishes directly to people using their mobility to be in as many places as they can.
Middle Eastern Food Truck Santa Clarita
Using their creative culinary minds and inventive flavors The Middle Feast was able to secure a first place finish in the fifth season of The Food Network’s, The Great Food Truck Race quickly separating them from a majority of other food trucks with their experience and national notoriety. The Middle feast Food Truck is also available for personal events and parties. They offer their exclusive high end catering menu of Mediterranean cuisine that brings an original and colorful flavor to any occasion. Book them ahead to guarantee availability, menu and prices.
Bringing one man’s vision to life The Middle Feast has quickly established itself as one of the Los Angeles area’s top culinary attractions with a unique blend of ethnic cuisines such as Middle Eastern, Mexican, and Asian.
To learn more about The Middle Feast, click here
Contact The Middle Feast at:
Location and Event Calendar:
Call: 818.424.5712
Email: [email protected]
We hope you can join us on April 29th and 30th, 2017 at one of the largest California Home and Garden Shows right here in Santa Clarita!
The Middle Feast – Los Angeles, CA
The Middle Feast / Food Trucks / Middle Eastern / Fusion Cuisine / 2017 Home and Garden Show / Home and Garden Show / Santa Clarita Events / Santa Clarita Home and Garden Show / California Home and Garden Shows / Home and Garden Shows